Building Air Intakes - Preventing Re-entry of Contaminants
Research Facility - Comprehensive review of all building air intakes and exhausts (including lab exhausts, boilers, diesel generators, and cooling towers); specified appropriate dilution criteria, determined existing dilution levels to all building intakes and prepared recommendations to minimize re-entry and ensure good indoor air quality (IAQ).
Laboratory - Determined stack modifications that were necessary to satisfy ANSI/AIHA Z9.5 dilution requirements for several large lab exhausts at a pharmaceutical facility.
Hospital Diesel Generators - Evaluated potential impact of large diesel generators on building air quality if operated for more routine power generation; developed options for facility engineers.
Research Facility - As part of an energy conservation project, assisted mechanical contractor in selecting new locations for laboratory exhaust stacks, and specified necessary heights and design parameters to minimize re-entry of odors and contaminants.
New Cooling Tower - Evaluated possible locations for siting a large, new cooling tower to minimize impact on building air quality at a facility; once best location determined, specified necessary heights of discharge outlets to meet dilution criteria.
Printing Facility Exhausts - Developed an effective means to stop the recirculation of ink odors into the building air intakes. Resulted in improved IAQ; eliminated worker complaints.
Loading Dock Fumes - Used CFD modeling to reveal airflow patterns around a large facility and evaluated options to minimize the recirculation of truck exhausts into building fresh air intakes.
Green Building Microturbines - Selected best location to site a group of co-gen microturbines at a facility to prevent re-entry of emissions; developed dilution criteria and specified necessary stack parameters.