
General Ventilation

Negative Pressure - Assisted a food processing company in understanding what was driving the observed air flows inside their temperature-controlled facilities, and developed a phased action plan to reduce cross contamination, improve temperature conditions and reduce operating costs.

Dust Levels - Water filtration company was experiencing dust migration between various departments which was leading to product quality issues. Designed and conducted a test procedure to evaluate the various unit operations in the plant to rank order by the dust generation potential. Developed engineering control guidelines for the primary sources.

Thermal Comfort - Created a CFD model of three-level housing unit to test whether proposed ventilation changes would improve temperature comfort conditions; model results also used to right-size the system components and to select initial flow and temperature settings.

Fugitive Emissions - Assisted an engineering company in developing industrial hygiene test plans to evaluate workplace engineering controls to reduce fugitive emissions and improve IAQ in two large metal casting plants. Developed a summary of current best practices for controlling fugitive emissions in this industry.

Foundry Vent Plan - Developed a year-round ventilation strategy for a large foundry located in a cold climate area. Plans eliminated the need for additional capital investment.

Office & Process Building - Devised an overall strategy to improve IAQ and reduce complaints by establishing clearly defined air zones and flow patterns, primarily using existing HVAC systems.

Melt Shop Ventilation - CFD modeling used to develop and evaluate facility changes to reduce metal fume and heat stress exposures. A feasible year-round strategy resulted.