  • Contaminant Capture
  • Whole Building Flows
  • Ventilation Systems
  • Spill/Release/Hazmat
  • Security Planning
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Industrial Processes
  • Hospitals/ Healthcare
  • Pharmaceutical R&D/ Mfg
  • Commercial/ Residential
  • Industrial HVAC
  • Data Centers


Computerized Airflow Modeling

What is Computerized Airflow Modeling?

A computer generated representation of the area in question (one room, several rooms, an entire floor or an entire building) is assembled. Fundamental laws of physics and associated derived equations describe how the various air properties are related. Baseline parameters, unique to the area in question, are measured or estimated. All of this information comprises the model. Mathematical tools are used to solve the model for various conditions. The model is validated by comparing the results for the baseline condition to the same parameters measured in the field. Once validated, the model can be used to predict conditions during proposed scenarios.

Air Science & Engineering uses several types of computer models including computational fluid dynamics (CFD), multi-zone and atmospheric dispersion. The model used depends on the objectives of the project and the desired level of detail for the results.

Why Use Computerized Airflow Modeling?

See how a proposed design will work even before it has left the drawing board! Evaluate different designs to find the most effective solution. Many questions can be answered using the model results for guidance, e.g.

  • Does the proposed design solve the problem?
  • Is it more than we need or not enough?
  • What changes can we make to reduce costs?